Your Vision Unleashed

"Data as Infrastructure" is how we define our mission. Our team of data analysts, architects, developers, engineers, and governance specialists have the expertise and experience to help turn your vision into a successful and defensible open data program.

In essence, managing data as infrastructure means improving links between silos of databases and data stores; making information/data easier to find online, and making it easier for analysts and policy makers to quickly access and transform data into the new formats and knowledge. It also means lowering the cost of consuming and using data because need the capability to manage an ever-growing amount of data without an unlimited budget to manage this data.

We Make Data (Re)Useful

Data is the 21st century’s new raw material. The availability of open data is the key to the identification of economic opportunities and policy decision-making. Without a strong program aligned to promote reuse of open government data, the data itself will have little value. Our Company has a record of successful engagements with municipal, state and national governments to fundamentally change the way government interacts with their citizens. This interaction centers on the concept of “data as infrastructure” or data as a strategic asset that belongs to citizens as well as the private sector. 

Measure Your Impact

All of Our Company's services and strategies are aimed at providing measurable business outcomes aligning to an open data strategy. Our Company Solution Engineers work with government executive teams, departments, agencies and ministries to map out open data strategies and outcomes that create value and provide a path to citizen engagement, collaboration, and resilience. Our Company is built on enabling collaboration between government and civil society.